Wednesday, April 29, 2009

video from 11.5 weeks

Here is last week's ultrasound! Grainy, but lovely. The baby started moving right away.

I could not figure out how to get rid of the embarrassing audio of us asking the Dr. questions, so I went to put music over it, and lo and behold, photob.ucket has my friends' band, wint.erpills on there! How cool!


  1. I just watched it twice and I am not sure if lovely captures the wonder of it all.

    Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I LOVE this! Thank you so much for sharing. Is that movement I am seeing? So amazing!

  3. Amazing and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing and congrats!

  4. Incredibly beautiful! Such a lovely sight!

  5. thanks everyone.
    Yes, that is movement, when the u/s first started the baby flipped to its side!

  6. ahhhh, total TEARFEST!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Now how am I going to go to work with these puffy eyes??

  7. So beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this sweet video of your precious babe. Great music too, I will have to check them out some more.

  8. SO exciting and beautiful! p. and i are honored that our song is the backdrop to this!

  9. Wow - this is amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
