Tuesday, February 17, 2009

5 for 5

My kind RE just called and was so sweet and said, "I love your embryos, they are beautiful." We have 5 perfect 4 cells, and 1 is lagging, and may not make it. So, we are on for a 5 day transfer, on Friday! Hurrah, what a relief.

I was trying to pretend my anxiousness (about less mature eggs than 1st IVF) away, but the wave of relief and joy that just hit me as she said those words made me realize how I'd been feeling.

Mr. S and I have 5 embabies that are growing and thriving. Hope and hope!

Here is a pic of a 4-cell embryo(not ours) it is nice to imagine 5 of these, happily growing...


  1. So wonderful Poppy! I'll send lots of good energy your way this Friday!

  2. This is GREAT news! Come on embies, grow, grow, grow!!

  3. Great comment from your RE. Divide and grow, embies!

  4. great great news! Onward to the day 5 push!

  5. i'm all smiles over these news! really wonderful. :)
    congrats on your beautiful embabies

  6. That's wonderful news Poppy! Congratulations on the good report and best wishes on Friday! Grow embabies grow! :)
