Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ways You Can and Can't Tell

As I have mentioned before, I can be a bit superstitious about pregnancy-related things. I used to think things like "that bird landed on me, I must be pregnant!" But after a year of thinking those things and not being pregnant, I got a little wiser.
Even so, I still have the occasional thought, such as "that baby won't stop looking at me, I must be pregnant!"

Doing a medicated cycle will also have you questioning every single twinge and lower abdominal gurgle. The progesterone makes you dizzy, and makes my(everyone's?) breasts a lot bigger. Still, those things are all b/c of the drugs. So no telling there.

But, what will tell you you're pregnant is a pregnancy test.
They have been telling me this since Tuesday!

I have gotten nice lines on FRER, Answer, Dollar Tree tests, and the piece de resistance, the digital. I'll try and post a pic tomorrow, along with my beta.

Yes, I am thrilled. I know I should be cautious and careful. But, in over 2 1/2 years of trying I have never gotten a true positive pregnancy test. It is thrilling. I didn't want to post on here until I saw my brother, since he reads this.*

*If you are a person who knows me in real life, please keep this knowledge to yourself and your partner. We are going to wait a bit to go crazy with our news. Not as long as people do with ttc the non-RE way, but I'd like to make it to the ultrasound safely before being Ms. Poppy Proclaimer.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!

  2. How absolutely wonderful!! I hope your results are all confirmed with a nice strong beta.
    I am impressed you were able to keep it a secret these past few days. But I am glad you shared...just the inspiration I needed. Enjoy it all!

  3. Woooooo-hoooooo!!!!! I did not see that coming - nice set up! I can't wait for you to get a nice, big fat beta!!! Yay! Congrats!

  4. OMG! I'm SO HAPPY! I started to email you yesterday to check in and with all these questions about IVF and pee sticks and decided not to send because I knew it was an anxious time and didn't want to make it more anxious with my questions.


  5. YAY! Congrats!! And best of luck at your beta- I can't wait to hear the update!

  6. Fantastic news poppy, I can't wait to give you both a big hug tonight!! Good luck today with the beta, and keep thinking those relaxing wave thoughts!

  7. I'm so happy for you, Poppy! Congratulations and My Best Wishes for the Happiest and Healthiest of pregnancies! ((Hugs))

  8. Oh wow!! Are we allowed to congratulate you fully yet? I'm so excited. I guess I'll find out more tonight. Even if it stays gray and wet, we must get together.

  9. Yay!! Congrats!! You give us hope!!

  10. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. This is the best news I've heard in a while! Best of luck to you with your beta today to confirm what you already know. :)

  11. thanks everyone!
    kan and flitter- we should definitely do something tonight, if rain makes the pool not an option.
