Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Dance

This is Mr. Seed with an update. Ms. S is upstairs taking a nap(hopefully), recovering after the extraction. Everything went well - smoothly and on schedule. She has had a little cramping on the level of "at the beginning of my period." It has lessened from earlier, post-surgery, though. She was still feeling dizzy before settling down for her nap, which we've been told is normal.
While we were in the waiting room before the surgery, Ms. S asked me, "How many eggs do you think we'll get?". I guessed an optimistic, but reasonable 11 eggs. She said quite confidently, "I think it is going to be 14." Wouldn't you know was exactly 14!
On the drive home, Ms. S excitedly said, "they should be doing their little dance right now!", speaking of the eggs, and their hopefully willing partners, my seeds. I said only, "Yep", but my too-early-morning, food-deprived mind was thinking, "Wow!" It is quite amazing to think that this could be the true start of a(the?) most amazing chapter of our union. we have to wait for the results! All well wishes accepted gratefully.


  1. What a great number!
    Rest up and make sure to post updates as you get your fert reports!

  2. wooohooo! thanks for the update. sending good thoughts in the form of music for dancing. (with an emphasis on late-night slow-jams, kinda stuff)

  3. Congratulations! 14 eggs! Can't wait to hear your fertilization report!

  4. Many great wishes to you both! I can't wait to hear the fert report of your fantastic 14!

  5. Positive thoughts and wishes coming your way! How exciting! I wish you all the best.

  6. We're thinking of you and very glad that all went well yesterday.

  7. Hello Mr.Seed! Nice to hear from you and congrats to you both on great numbers!
    Here's hopeing that your Fert report is equally wishes to Mrs. Seed,
