Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Too Early

I got quite discouraged yesterday, convinced we must not be pregnant, since we had so frozen embryos, and since this is it for us.
Today I realized that it is way too early to despair. I am just 4days past a 5 day transfer, too early to know anything, one way or another.
I also realized I am waiting for the exact same symptoms to kick-in from my positive FET cycle, down to the same day. I have to get over that expectation.
So, I remain pregnant until proven otherwise and will think that way whenever doubt sets in.


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better than yesterday! I think it's really normal to feel discouraged, especially when you received the news about the third embryo. I think they picked the best two to transfer and they are going snuggle in!

    Hang in there, just a little while longer until you know. Do you have a date set for the blood test?

  2. Sorry you didn't have any to freeze. I know that is discouraging. I know exactly how you feel about going through another cycle of IVF.

    Sending sticky thoughts your way!!

  3. "The waiting is the hardest part" sings Tom Petty - I heard that song yesterday, and thought of all of us trying to have babies. I'm sorry that you didn't have any to freeze - discouraging. But you have 2 perfect ones in there - way too soon to despair. Hang on to that hope!

  4. Keep repeating "too soon" until it's time for the true answers.

    I am holding out so much hope for you even on the days it is escapes you.

  5. Get hope to take doubt out back and teach him a lesson. I'm crossing fingers and toes for you.

  6. poppy - hang in there! the 2ww is the worst.


  7. I'm thinking of you Poppy!



  8. thanks everyone!
    I think I had forgotten how hard the 2ww is. I hated ER so much(both times) that I forgot about the *mental* anguish.

    Yes, hope needs to teach doubt a lesson! :)
