Monday, February 23, 2009


*So, I emailed the people I have requested take a break from reading on here. Mostly, it is people I actually see regularly. So, if you got no email, read on. ...If you do know me IRL and find things out here, please keep them to yourself, (& your partner). Thanks friends!*

The "lazy-baby-implanting-weekend" is over. It was nice. I watched way too much saved up tivo tv and movies, read a lot, mostly books, some magazines.

I started to really wish for a more comfortable couch, went to bed and wished for a more comfortable bed.

Forced stillness is good, but boring. I can't tell you how good it felt to do a quick modified sun-salutation on Saturday evening. My muscles were thanking me.

For now, I am in hope-landia, pregnant until proven otherwise, and trying to ignore the different sensations in my abdomen. Distinguishing gas from ovary/uterine pain should be easier!

I had some mild cramping Saturday night(def. uterine) and went into a panic of "maybe they should put me on more progesterone"... I am on PIO 1 x a day. My RE offered to let me just do suppositories(endometrin or crinone) but I am paranoid, so am opting for the big guns(and discomfort) until the beta.


  1. I'm thinking good thoughts for you Poppy!



  2. good luck poppy! i am sending out many baby vibes to you. it is crazy how many blogs i've read these last few days where everyone is hoping to be pregnant this cycle. the odds have to with some of us right?
    thanks for continuing to show your support to us too. sending love your way...

  3. Lots of thriving positive thoughts coming your way. Sun Salutation is so balancing, I love warrior pose to take on the day.

  4. What exciting news to come home to you! I thought about you and crocus and snowdrop during the week, and am praying that they are snuggling in tight!

    As a gal who has had more than her fair share of P4 issues, I will say that PIO 1xd should be plenty!

  5. hoping hope-landia is a very good place to be and you leave a very satisfied visitor, indeed!

    i would love to meet you and think we should plan something!

    GL! hope those embies have snuggled down for a long nap!

  6. I hope to join you in hope-landia in a few days. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend, perfect for implantation.
