Wednesday, November 5, 2008

yippee and finally!

Last night, Mr. S and I went to our local brewpub, because I couldn't handle being at home, alone with the news. It was great to be out, almost everyone there was wearing "I Voted" stickers. We ran into our down the street neighbors and sat with them. One of them shared with me that she's been trying to keep herself distant from it all, after all of the past letdowns, and I said that is exactly how I have been. Well, had been, until this weekend.

Once we were home, and the news came in at 11, I felt like it was all too large to contain. I told Mr. S we had to go outside and bang on a pot and let out a holler. He laughed through the whole thing, but went along with me. We heard other whoops and some firecrackers going off.

Relief, happiness.

Mr. S called his Mom who said "Praise God, Hallelujah. He's White, He's Black, he's everything!" Our siblings called and texted us saying "We Won!" What a feeling of connection, hope and change.

It is fantastic.

We ended up going to our neighbors at 1130, to watch Obama's speech. We cried, clapped and laughed.

The night that Obama accepted the Democratic nomination was the night we had gotten our "Pregnant" test, and I had such a feeling of hope and possibility, both in my life and in our country. It was nice to echo that feeling last night, and know that our future children will have this kind of example in front of them.

I woke up a bit bleary from being up so late, but feeling hopeful, on the cusp of great change.


  1. It is a new day in America! Yeah for Maryland and California too who helped bring us our first biracial President!!!

  2. It is a wonderful day!!!! I feel like a new era has dawned in America. It was such an amazing night!

  3. it is really such a fantastic thing! It makes me believe in human beings and our capacity to evolve. :)
    Americans should be proud. the whole world is nodding in approval too. ;)

  4. It was quite a night, wasn't it. I was blissed out all day today - pinch me! I am so thrilled.
